Senin, 30 Januari 2012

latihan bab 4.Sosialisasi dan pembentukan kepribadian

By Rosalia S, SPd

Relation between Culture and personality in socialization process

A.    Culture :  tradition and values

Culture in society are divined by custom, mores, traditions and values


A custom is a folkways; a behavior pattern; it is something people do. The word people is important here because a single act by a single individual does not create a custom. An eccentrics man may like to wear some unusual headgear in cold weather, but in so doing people occupying certain statues in a community. In this sense, customs is like a social role that people perform at a given time and place.
Some customs, however, are sacred. People must not treat them lightly. Humorist may poke slight fut. them, but most people still take them quite seriously. Such obligatory customs are called mores. Examples of mores  for most communities would be following ; A couple wishing to live together  as a husband and wife must go through an officially recognized marriage ceremony; a father must support his minor children; an employer must pay wages to those who have eared them; a citizen must pay taxes. The list could be extended indefinitely and would include some items that have been embodied in law and other items that are supported by the informal sanctions of the community. In addition to these practices that must be observed there are certain things that must not be done last they threaten the welfare of the group.
Customs and mores are traditional in that they have been handed down from the past by word of mouth and by example. Tradition such as Christmast, Idul Fitri or Lebaran, Imlek new year, a pride in having goods schools, the patriotism shown by given community in time of national need; the also involve an explanation of why these traditions are important and must be preserved. Therefore , to understand the richness of community life it is necessary not only observe what people do but also to listen to their explanations for their behavior.
Values and value orientations
Values are those things or achievement that the community considers good, and therefore to be sought, there by implying that the opposites of these are bad, and consequently  to be rejected. Value orientation are those views of the world , often implicitly  held, which define the meaning of human life or the “life situation of man” and thereby provide the context in which day-to-day problem are solved.

B.     Value and norm in socialization process

Behavior is influences by value. Norm organize human’s behavior that related with value in community.that’s mean to keep community ‘s value so people making norms. So that, violation for norm is also value. Norm and value is used for support and press citizen in community. Basically, human haven’t perfect instinct so for survival they need another; they need accompany, they need learning process experience together. In this socialization process need value and norm  to form social system. Norm and value take a role as tool to learn social behavior in society.

C.    The Relationship of personality and socialization process

Personality is the sum total of an individual’s characteristic which make him unique. Viewing personality in term of interpersonal relations, there is a heavy element of social experiences about another person behavior become established, we come to see them as features of his personality.
            What primary concern about the personality of other is the way it effect them in social interaction. In this sense, the external personality of the individual provides social stimuli which other individuals evaluate positively or negatively, as indicated in connection with social interaction.

Direction : . Make groups with 2-4 persons and answer these questions.

1.      What are the role of norm and value in socialization process?
2.      What are relationship of norm and value in socialization process?
3.      What are relationship of culture in personality ?

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